
As a feminist fund, we resource, support and nurture African women’s rights organisations and feminist movements to sustain themselves.

The AWDF Story: An African Feminist Journey

By amplifying and celebrating African women’s voices and achievements, AWDF supports efforts that combat harmful stereotypes, and promote African women as agents of change.

Our support goes beyond grant making, and includes capacity building, knowledge sharing and movement building.

African Women's Writers Workshop series

AWDF Knowledge Circle @ Women Deliver 2023


We are a Pan-African grant making organisation that supports the realisation and fulfilment of African women’s rights through funding of autonomous women’s organisations on the continent.


US$ 11 M

Grants awarded in 2022

US$ 80 M

Total grants awarded since inception


Number of organisations we've worked with since inception


Number of countries we work in (Africa & Middle East)


We envision and work towards creating an Africa, and a world, where gender justice, freedom and dignity are achieved for all

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